I know its not the usual way to start a brand new blog but the atmosphere in this Gahwa just virtually forces me to start it like this. Lool .. Barca just scored the 2nd goal, Lionel Messi's header.
So, Tawne Garee a very nice blog from its inception til the last post, which was lots of posts and got inspired 9ara7a. Some people really know how to write.
Im not terribly sure that i'll continue posting regularly on this blog, I sometimes ' mazej ' on things and do them, and eventually get fed up and leave, Bess its worth it really, I may have very good readers.
Bacher 3alay imti7an Geography, o mu dares, o Ga3ed ib Gahwa il sa3a 11:18 billail, fa go figure out, it seems that the failing grade is certain, Bess 3asa inshalla allah Ywafegne Bil emte7aan o anja77, y not?
B3d, Shagool, Maku Shay Yengaaal, Bess inshalla this blog becomes my vent out machine :) !
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